No mila fanazavana fanampiny?

  La Coupole Essaouira Beach
  50 Boulevard Mohamed V
  44000   Essaouira, Maroc

  Tel.   + 212 (0) 808 507 822

  Restaurant et bar à tapas




  Tambajotra sosialy:


Ny zaridaina



Haingo fanampiny


Ny fahamarinana mamy

Poke vilia: quinoa miaraka amin'ny salmon, avocado sy feta, chickpeas, menaka argan sy condiments, voankazo maina

(Quinoa aux fruits et legumes de saison marines a l'huile d'argan )

(Poke bowl: quinoa with salmon, avocado and feta, chickpeas, argan oil and condiments, dried fruits)

Price : 90.00 MAD (8.18 €)

Gougère miaraka amin'ny salmon voatoto miaraka amin'ny voankazo citrus, fromage blanc ary avocado mamy

(Gougere au saumon marine aux agrumes, fromage blanc et avocat cremeux )

(Gougère with salmon marinated with citrus fruits, fromage blanc and creamy avocado )

Price : 110.00 MAD (10 €)

Clam crème miaraka amin'ny tongolo gasy sy holatra voatetika nototoina miaraka amin'ny tongolo gasy sy rosemary

(Creme de palourde au poireau et emince de champignons sautes a lail et romarin )

(Clam cream with leek and sliced mushrooms sautéed with garlic and rosemary )

Price : 85.00 MAD (7.73 €)

Salady Caesar klasika miaraka amin'ny akoho na makamba, parmesan ary anchovies

(Cesar salade classique poulet ou crevettes, parmesan et anchois )

(Classic Caesar salad with chicken or shrimp, parmesan and anchovies )

Price : 80.00 MAD (7.27 €)

Havaozina ny ranomasina, hazan-dranomasina marinated miaraka amin'ny saosy charmoula

(Fraicheur de la mer, fruits de mer marines a la sauce charmoula )

(Freshness of the sea, marinated seafood with charmoula sauce )

Price : 90.00 MAD (8.18 €)

Octopus carpaccio, basil puree sy voasarimakirana

(Carpaccio de poulpe, puree de basilic et condiments citronnes )

(Octopus carpaccio, basil puree and lemon condiments )

Price : 75.00 MAD (6.82 €)

Croquette ovy sy fromazy azo tratrarina miaraka amin'ny karivo mavo

(Tians de legumes de saison avec compote doignon et concasse de tomate servis chaud )

(Potato croquettes & Creamy cheese with yellow curry)

Price : 70.00 MAD (6.36 €)

Buratta, herb pesto, voatabia organika, fleur de sel ary voanjo kesika

(Buratta, pistou aux aromates, tomate bio, fleur de sel et pignon de pain )

(Buratta, herb pesto, organic tomato, fleur de sel and pine nuts )

Price : 120.00 MAD (10.91 €)

Hen'omby tartare miaraka amin'ny mayonnaise miaraka amin'ny anana vaovao, caper condiments, tongolo sy poti

(Tartare de boeuf mayonnaise aux herbes fraiches, condiments capres, echalotes et chips)

(Beef tartare with mayonnaise with fresh herbs, caper condiments, shallots and chips)

Price : 85.00 MAD (7.73 €)

Camembert cromesquis, salady mifangaro amin'ny poara, voaloboka, saosy voantsinapy tantely

(Cromesquis de camembert, mesclun de salade au poire, raisin sec, sauce miel moutarde)

(Camembert cromesquis, mixed salad with pear, raisins, honey mustard sauce)

Price : 80.00 MAD (7.27 €)

Crab ravioli, clam chowder miaraka amin'ny tongolobe sy holatra

(Raviolis de crabe, chaudre de palourdes aux poireaux et champignons )

(Crab ravioli, clam chowder with leeks and mushrooms )

Price : 170.00 MAD (15.45 €)

Foie gras sy brioche vita an-trano miaraka amin'ny chutney mananasy

(Rigatoni champignons crevettes, croute de pain aux herbes fraiches et parmesan)

(Foie gras and homemade brioche with pineapple chutney)

Price : 160.00 MAD (14.55 €)

Potato gnocchi misy truffle mainty sy akoho, ranom-boankazo, parmesan ary arugula, emulsion ahitra vaovao

(Gnocchi pommes de terre a la truffe noire et poulet, jus de cuisson, parmesan et roquettes, emulsion dherbes fraiches )

(Potato gnocchi with black truffle and chicken, cooking juices, parmesan and arugula, fresh herb emulsion )

Price : 160.00 MAD (14.55 €)

Risotto maitso, makamba ary anana ara-potoana nendasina miaraka amin'ny dibera, parmesan ary basil

(Green risotto, gambas et legumes de saison poeles au beurre dherbes, parmesan et basilic)

(Green risotto, prawns and seasonal vegetables pan-fried with herb butter, parmesan and basil)

Price : 170.00 MAD (15.45 €)

Ny tratran'ny akoho, saosy holatra

(Saint-Pierre poele, barigoule dartichaut et carottes, beurre au capre et citron)

(Pan-fried John Dory, artichoke and carrot barigoule, caper and lemon butter)

Price : 160.00 MAD (14.55 €)

Lobster natono, dibera citrus, varimbazaha safrona risotto

(Langouste grillee, beurre dagrumes, ble safrane facon risotto )

(Grilled lobster, citrus butter, risotto-style saffron wheat )

Price : 360.00 MAD (32.73 €)

Hazo fritter miaraka amin'ny saosy sinoa

(Poulpe roti au four, ecrasee de pommes de terre au duo de sesames, chimichurri)

(Shrimp fritter with Chinese sauce)

Price : 170.00 MAD (15.45 €)

Ny akoho maimaim-poana feno oliva sy holatra, coriander mriqa ary Batata puree

(Poulet fermier farci aux olives et champignons, mriqa a la coriandre et puree de Batata)

(Free-range chicken stuffed with olives and mushrooms, coriander mriqa and Batata puree)

Price : 150.00 MAD (13.64 €)

Fillet hen'omby natono, veal trotter ragout miaraka amin'ny chickpeas, paoma Anna

(Filet de boeuf grille, ragout de pieds de veau aux pois-chiches, pomme Anna)

(Grilled beef fillet, veal trotter ragout with chickpeas, Anna apple)

Price : 220.00 MAD (20 €)

Entrecote hen'omby natono 300g, candied tarragona bearnaise, frites an-trano

(Entrecote de boeuf grillee 300g, bearnaise a lestragon confit, frites maison)

(Grilled beef steak 300g, béarnaise with candied tarragon, home fries)

Price : 165.00 MAD (15 €)

Fillet zanak'ondry misy tsiron'ny Tanjia, tsaramaso fotsy miaraka amin'ny texture komina

(Filet dagneau saveur tanjia, haricots blancs en texture aromates de cumin)

(Tanjia flavored lamb fillet, white beans in cumin flavored texture)

Price : 180.00 MAD (16.36 €)

Burger La Coupole, hena nifoka sigara, tongolo gasy cheddar, frites ary mofo vita an-trano

(La Coupole Burger, smoked meat, cheddar pickles doignon, frites et bun maison)

(La Coupole Burger, smoked meat, cheddar onion pickles, fries and homemade bun)

Price : 140.00 MAD (12.73 €)

Hen'omby nohetezana ho zaraina 900g, paoma nendasina crème ary saosy roa

(Cote de boeuf grillee a partager 900g, pommes au four cremeuse et double sauce)

(Grilled rib of beef to share 900g, creamy baked apples and double sauce)

Price : 350.00 MAD (31.82 €)

Takolaky ny zanak'omby nendasina, vary mainty miaraka amin'ny anana sy voanjo

(Joues de veau braisee, riz noir aux aromates et noix de cajou)

(Braised veal cheeks, black rice with herbs and cashew nuts)

Price : 190.00 MAD (17.27 €)

Havoana amoron-dranomasina fomba Provencal

(Coteaux de mer a la provencale )

(Provencal-style seaside hills )

Price : 85.00 MAD (7.73 €)

Lohataona nendasina, betsimitsitekiteky miaraka amin'ny ginger vaovao sy holatra mainty

(Spring rolls frits, moules au gingembre frais et champignons noirs)

(Fried spring rolls, mussels with fresh ginger and black mushrooms)

Price : 80.00 MAD (7.27 €)

Chipotle akoho sy fromazy quesadillas, tortilla chips ary guacamole

(Quesadillas poulet chipotle et fromage, chips tortilla et guacamole)

(Chipotle chicken and cheese quesadillas, tortilla chips and guacamole)

Price : 75.00 MAD (6.82 €)

Croquettes monkfish crème, mayonnaise harissa

(Croquettes de lotte cremeuses, mayonnaise harissa)

(Creamy monkfish croquettes, harissa mayonnaise)

Price : 85.00 MAD (7.73 €)

baranjely nifoka, poti-bala

(Aubergine fumee, chips daubergine)

(Smoked eggplant, eggplant chips)

Price : 75.00 MAD (6.82 €)

Lobster roll, dill mayonnaise ary ny tsiron-tsakafo

(Lobster roll, mayonnaise aneth et condiments cornichons)

(Lobster roll, dill mayonnaise and pickle condiments)

Price : 120.00 MAD (10.91 €)

Birao misy fromazy sy charcuterie, toast ary voankazo vaovao sy maina

(Planche de fromage et de charcuterie, toast et condiments fruits frais et secs)

(Board of cheese and charcuterie, toast and fresh and dried fruit condiments)

Price : 140.00 MAD (12.73 €)

Amlou macaron, crème nougat caramelized miaraka amin'ny gum arabic

(Macaron amlou, creme de nougat caramelise a la gomme arabique)

(Amlou macaron, caramelized nougat cream with gum arabic)

Price : 70.00 MAD (6.36 €)

Trano fotsy, tart voanio ivoara

(Maison blanche, tarte coco chocolat ivoire)

(White house, ivory chocolate coconut tart)

Price : 70.00 MAD (6.36 €)

Banoffee pie, akondro sy crème kafe, caramel dibera sira

(Banoffee pie, banane et creme de cafe, caramel beurre sale)

(Banoffee pie, banana and coffee cream, salted butter caramel)

Price : 60.00 MAD (5.45 €)

Kaopy gilasy

(Coupe de glace)

(Cup of icecream)

Price : 60.00 MAD (5.45 €)

Pudding crème caramel miaraka amin'ny voankazo ara-potoana

(Creme caramel pudding aux fruits de saison)

(Crème caramel pudding with seasonal fruits)

Price : 60.00 MAD (5.45 €)

Sakafo ny andro


Translation olana?

Create issue

  Meaning ny sary masina :
      Mety misy vokatra mando

  Ny vaovao ao amin'ny aterineto pejy ny eRESTAURANT NFC tsy manaiky orinasa Delenate Agency. Raha mila fanazavana fanampiny sitraka mba hanontany ny fepetra eo amin'ny Website

  Hamaky latabatra

Tsindrio raha hanamarina

  Hamaky latabatra

Miverina amin'ny pejy lehibe

  Maka baiko

Te hanafoana azy ve ianao?

Te hanontany an'izany ve ianao?

  Maka baiko

Eny tsy

  Maka baiko

Vaovao vaovao?